Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh My What A Ball!!!

I really enjoyed attending the Columbus Arts Masquerade Ball with my friends. Which was a fundraising event for The OSU James Cancer Center. We had such an amazing time!!! In fact I had too much of an amazing time and paid for it the very next day big time but it was well worth it!!!!

For those who would like to donate to The OSU James Cancer Center, please follow the link: and please give generously!!! Thank you!!! xoxo

Other than attending events such as the Masquerade Ball and the grand opening of Columbus newest hot spot Fleur. Which is a Champagne, vodka dessert lounge inspired concept (by the way love the concept, the decor and atmosphere!!). I've been doing photo shoots, preparing for my role as a vampire and trying to get into other projects to keep myself busy. One thing for sure, though I love Columbus I have to start traveling very soon. I think the problem with me having very little inspiration is because I've become too complacent and I need to spread my wings once again and travel to my favorite places such as New York, Chicago, Miami and maybe finally make my way to Las Vegas baby!!!

Have to recharge!and reestablish myself!!!

By the way!!! Here are some up and coming local events to check out!!